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183 lines
* vmStat.h --
* The statistics structure for the vm module.
* Copyright (C) 1986 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* $Header: /sprite/src/lib/include/RCS/vmStat.h,v 8.4 91/03/04 16:09:28 kupfer Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _VMSTAT
#define _VMSTAT
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "vmMachStat.h"
#include <kernel/vmMachStat.h>
* Virtual memory statistics structure.
typedef struct {
int numPhysPages; /* The number of physical pages available. */
* Different types of pages
int numFreePages; /* Number of pages on the free list. */
int numDirtyPages; /* Number of pages on the dirty list. */
int numReservePages; /* Number of pages held in reserve for the
* kernel. */
int numUserPages; /* Number of pages on the allocate list. Each
* of these pages must be used by user
* processes. */
int kernStackPages; /* Number of pages allocated to the kernel.*/
int kernMemPages; /* Number of pages allocated to kernel code
* + data. */
* Page fault statistics.
int totalFaults; /* The total number of page faults that have
occured. */
int totalUserFaults; /* The total number of page faults that have
occured because of a user bus error. */
int zeroFilled; /* Page faults that were satisfied by zero
filling the page. */
int fsFilled; /* Page faults that were satisifed by reading
in from the file system. */
int psFilled; /* Page faults that were satisfied by reading
in from the page server. */
int collFaults; /* Page faults that collided with another page
fault in progress on the same page. */
int quickFaults; /* Page faults that were satisfied by just
revalidating the page. */
int codeFaults; /* Code segment faults, ignoring quickFaults.*/
int heapFaults; /* Heap segment faults, ignoring quickFaults.*/
int stackFaults; /* Stack segm't faults, ignoring quickFaults.*/
* Page allocation stats.
int numAllocs; /* Total number of page allocations. */
int gotFreePage; /* Number of allocations by using a free page.*/
int pageAllocs; /* Calls to internal page allocator. */
int gotPageFromFS; /* Number of allocations satisfied by
* stealing a page from the file system. */
int numListSearches; /* Number of allocations that actually search
* the allocation list. */
int usedFreePage; /* List searches satisfied with free page. */
int lockSearched; /* Number of locked pages encountered
* while searching list. */
int refSearched; /* Number of referenced pages encountered
* while searching list. */
int dirtySearched; /* Number of dirty pages encountered
* while searching list. */
int reservePagesUsed; /* The number of pages held in reserve that */
* Dirty page statistics.
int pagesWritten; /* The number of pages that were written out
to the page server. */
int cleanWait; /* The number of times that a segment being
cleaned has to wait for a page to finish
being cleaned. */
int pageoutWakeup; /* The number of times that the pageout daemon
wakes up. */
int pageoutNoWork; /* The number of times that the pageout daemon
woke up and there was nothing to do. */
int pageoutWait; /* The number of times that a process has to
wait for the pageout daemon to finish
because too many pages were dirty. */
* Page mapping statistics.
int mapPageWait; /* The number of times that have to wait
because of run out of entries to map
pages. */
int accessWait; /* The number of times that have to wait
because of run out of entries to make
pages accessible. */
* Machine dependent statistics.
VmMachDepStat machDepStat;
* The minimum number of virtual memory pages
* that the system guarantees itself.
int minVMPages;
* File system mapping stats.
int fsAsked; /* The number of times that the file system
* asked us for our reference time. */
int haveFreePage; /* We have a free page when fs asks us for the
* reference time. */
int fsMap; /* The number of pages that the file system
* got from us. */
int fsUnmap; /* The number of pages that the file system
* returned to us. */
int maxFSPages; /* The maximum number of pages given to the
* file system. */
int minFSPages; /* The minimum number of pages given to the
* file system. */
* Copy-on-write info.
int numCOWHeapPages; /* Heap pages that were made copy-on-write. */
int numCOWStkPages; /* Stack pages that were made copy-on-write. */
int numCORHeapPages; /* Heap pages that were made copy-on-ref. */
int numCORStkPages; /* Stack pages that were made copy-on-ref. */
int numCOWHeapFaults; /* Heap copy-on-write faults. */
int numCOWStkFaults; /* Stack copy-on-write faults. */
int quickCOWFaults; /* COW faults that were unnecessary. */
int numCORHeapFaults; /* Heap copy-on-ref faults. */
int numCORStkFaults; /* Stack copy-on-ref faults. */
int quickCORFaults; /* COR faults that were unnecessary. */
int swapPagesCopied; /* The number of swap file page copies. */
int numCORCOWHeapFaults; /* Number of copy-on-reference heap pages that
* get modified after they are copied. */
int numCORCOWStkFaults; /* Number of copy-on-reference stack pages that
* get modified after they are copied. */
* Recycled potentially modified page stats.
int potModPages; /* Number of pages that came to the front of
* the LRU list, were writeable but were not
* modified. */
int notModPages; /* Pages out of potModPages that were never
* modified in software or hardware. */
int notHardModPages; /* Pages out of potModPages that were never
* modified in hardware. */
* Prefetch stats.
int codePrefetches; /* Number of prefetches of code. */
int heapSwapPrefetches; /* Number of prefetches of heap from swap. */
int heapFSPrefetches; /* Number of heap prefetches from the object
* file. */
int stackPrefetches; /* Number of prefetches that hit from the
* stack swap file. */
int codePrefetchHits; /* Number of code prefetches that hit. */
int heapSwapPrefetchHits; /* Number of heap prefetches from swap that
* hit. */
int heapFSPrefetchHits; /* Number of heap prefetches from the object
* file that hit. */
int stackPrefetchHits; /* Number of stack prefetches from swap that
* hit. */
int prefetchAborts; /* Number of prefetches aborted because there
* is no memory available. */
} Vm_Stat;
extern Vm_Stat vmStat;
#endif /* _VMSTAT */